Oraichain Governance Dojo — Aug 1,2023



This is the Oraichain Governance Dojo, featuring Orainchain’s governance proposals that are on-chain for voting this week. Governance proposals are topics where the opinion from the community is requested. Read below for a brief summary, and arguments for and against passage of the proposals.

By voting, you have influence on the outcome of the proposal and the direction Oraichain takes. It is important that Oraichain users vote to ensure the voice of the community is heard.

Participate in ongoing governance discussions on Commonwealth. You can vote on Oraichain governance proposals using our native Owallet or Keplr wallet.

Last Weeks Proposals

In this section you will find information about:

  • Proposals which have been described in the previous governance dojo update. Only the outcome of the proposal will be listed.
  • Proposals which have not been discussed in the update that may have been put on chain and passed between governance dojo articles. For the second category a small summary of the proposal will be given, along with the outcome of the voting.

Prop #191 Remove ORAI and ORAIX rewards from the ORAI/MILKY, ORAI/KWT and ORAI/AIRI pools →Passed

Proposals rejected last week →None

Proposals on chain

In this part of our governance dojo update you can find a short description of the proposals which can be currently be found on chain. Read more to find out what the proposal is about and some arguments for and against passage of the proposal. This should help you form an opinion on the proposal, and don’t forget to vote!

Prop #192 — Remove ORAI Rewards from YAI.FINANCE in ETH and BNB Pools and bring value to ORAI Dex.

  • This proposal aims to increase TVL and bring users to Orai Dex by:
  • Less dilution for the underlined ORAI asset
  • Potentially take incentives and help boot strap additional listings on ORAI Dex like owBNB + owETH pairs

Arguments in favor of this proposal

  • This proposal aims to increase users to Orai Dex
  • Have additional bluechip pairs on ORAI Dex
  • Increase native TVL so less fragmentation

Arguments against this proposal

  • yAI.Finance liquidity could drop/ rendered obsolete
  • Less ERC20 and BEP20 use cases for ORAI

Discourse Link

Proposal Link

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Crypto Educator | Community Builder🛠️ | Spaceshost| Also, Insights on Mastering Mind, Health, and Wealth. Simply put, I 💜 crypto